All things green.....

November 28, 2006

Rock On

So, I haven't been sleeping very well the last three nights....well, that doesn't necessarily make for the most energetic days (although, somehow I'm holding it together....theme verse that keeps me going....Colossians 3:17...amazing verse). The cool thing about me though is that when I'm exhausted, I don't get cranky, I usually just get silly...and laugh a that's a good thing then...bring on the sleepiness...sleep? Who needs it! (see? silly) I don't know what my deal is, it's just like I can't fall asleep, and I toss and turn, and wake up a lot (yeah, being a person that thinks too much has it's downsides). the tired state that I'm in, I think I've reached my max. So yeah, pray that I can sleep like a baby like a rock, yes I prefer to sleep like a rock. As my good friend said to me tonight...ROCK ON! (ok, yeah, obviously I'm tired) That is all. Oh and for those of you who understand spanish (bad spanish).....te quiero y te extrano y deseo que yo estuviera alla contigo!!!! BESOS!

oh and want to check out a SWEET organization (VERY rachel)...go HERE:


  • At 9:12 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haha, I love it when I make it into your blog!

    -Good friend who emphatically said "Rock On."

  • At 4:51 AM PST, Blogger beckalippy said…

    I am guessing that the rock on comment was laura, but I could totally be wrong. I just wanted to say that you are in my prayers, that I talked to a certain boy in ViƱa yesterday and it made my day (I love him!) and that TE QUIERO!!!!!!!
    Nos vemos prontito!


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