Day 3
Hola!!!! Sorry we skipped a day, but yesterday we just couldn´t make it to a computer. So here we are!!! No worries. Yesterday was a great day!!!! After taking our overnight bus ride we arrived in La Serena after about four hours of we took some naps. Then we went on a coffee hunt, because we hadn´t had any coffee for 48 hours!!!! I know, I know.....I bet you´re feeling really sorry for my fellow travellers having to put up with me on no coffee. It was great because finally that pounding headache that I had come to know so well was on it´s way. We then rented a car and headed to a ferria where we bought tons of wonderful fruit and avovados. It was great!!! It was the cutest little market. We then headed out into the country in the rental car, pulling over on the side of the road to take pictures of goats and other random things. We went to this little town and ate our lunch on the steps of an adorable church. We then headed back to La Serena and went to the beach. It was nice to hang out at the beach and watch the sunset. Becka hasn´t driven in like six months, so she wanted to drive up the coast whil we still had the rental car. We ended up in some little fishing town called Tongoy, and went on a hunt for that doesn´t just serve fish. :) We found a little pizzeria, and had wonderful pizza with corn on it (I recommend it if you haven´t tried it before). The server was really excited to wait on gringas because he got to practice his english. Funny story: Erin had to use the restroom, so she asked them where it was and they sent her on her way. Well, she came back and told us that the bathroom was in someone´s room. She said that there was even a toothbrush on the sink. After dinner, the rest of us had to use the restrooms too, so we walked over to them, and they were not in someone´s room. It turns out that Erin went through a different door, and actually into someone´s house! We were cracking up......We then got back on the road (with one stop to look at the stars and dance in the street). We then headed back to the hostel, and hung out with her host family for a while (they helped us practice our spanish). We then all went to sleep. Ok, well that is our day yesterday, today we are taking a bus to Santiago, and then on to Argentina....hopefully I´ll get a chance to post another soon. Oh, and one interesting thing: they have tons of stray dogs that just roam the streets here...TONS....they are really really cute, possible souveneir cute...hehe. No no...but I bet you can imagine who has been the subject of many of my pictures. ;) Alright, off I go....God bless you!!!!
At 10:12 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
Rachel and friends,
Thanks for your updates. You pack a lot into a day. So glad to know all of you are having such a wonderful time and eating well. Also glad Rico taught you how to drive a standard trans. for the rental car. Sounds like it is warm there--what is the weather like? You are in our prayers. Mama xoxo
At 5:52 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like too much fun. Glad you're seeing some sites and getting the flow of the trip down. Be sure to get pictures so you can do the travel log for all us Nortamericanos when you get home.
At 10:54 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
hey hey! i am glad you are having fun! i miss you here, but its for a worthy cause: VACATION!!
i love the stray dogs. i was going to steal one in mexico but Zac thought it was a bad idea....still dont know why he thought that....
love ya sugar! have so much fun!
At 4:20 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
Wow these girls sound amazing. I bet all the Chileans love you gringas. Keep doing fun things you hot chicas!!!!!
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